Taubach, north side of the Kirchplatz (church square), from left to right residential house (1912), New School (1914), former schoolyard with grocery store (1989) now used as association building, Old School, Ilmtalstraße (Ilm Valley Street), church St. U

Taubach, Kirchplatz (church square), the municipal worker Mr Büchner discovered the settlement from the time of stroke-ornament pottery in this street.

History of Taubach

Taubachian of the New Stone Age (Neolithic) - stroke-ornament potters (Neolithic Stichbandkeramiker)

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Potters of the New Stone Age

settled in a large settlement in the Taubach area about 7,500 years ago, the humans began to become sedentary.

While initially ceramic vessels were manufactured with a band pattern of angular, spirally or wavy lines, the so-called Linearbandkeramik (Linear Pottery), for about 7,000 years ago the potters began to decorate with bands of small punctures, also with multi-tooth tools. These made up of many punctures composed motifs of vertical and horizontal bands, as well as angular bands, gave the ceramic its name: Stichbandkeramik (Stroke-ornamented ware), although it looks more like a stippled band ware.

In August 1954, the municipal worker Büchner discovered several skeletons during the excavation for the local canalization in the street between the church and the former school yard, which he reported at once. The excavation revealed that they were burials of the former cemetery.

While he continued the excavation work he came upon high, perforated shoe-last celt (perforated hammer head of stone) and shards at a depth of around one meter. In the course of the excavation, a crushed and under-jawless skull of a 2-odd-years old child, the lower part of a ball-headed stroke-ornamented vessel, a fire-knife, a bone awl, a small and almost symmetrical shoe-last adze, a stroke-ornamented vessel and a piece of wild boar pine. The age of the finds from the period of the Stroked Pottery culture is about 4,500 years.

After recovering the found objects, one came across a settlement pit to the side of the site, in which there were larger animal bones (food waste) and a few sherd from the time of the Linear Pottery culture. Similar finds were found in 1924, 1927 and 1928 east and west of the Taubach church. Compared to other skull finds from settlements of this time, the Taubach find takes a special position - only with this were also found grave goods. Whether this find have been possible with the use of present heavy technology and the enormous time and cost pressure, that the most people impose on themselves, may be questioned.

But this was not the discovery that almost every person dreamed of …

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