Donations to St. Ursula
are not urgently needed only today, they have been a normal thing for many people in former times. So Mr. Toffel Ludwig donated a white altar cloth, in which two black crosses and the letters A B C were sewn, to the Taubach church St. Ursula in 1644. In the same year Mr Matthe Ludwig gave an altar cloth made from flax, therein the verse "Kommt her zu mir, alle, die ihr mühselig und beladen seid; ich will euch erquicken." ("Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest"; Matthew 11). In 1663 Mr Christoff Ludwig honored a green altar cloth. Mrs Anna Ludwig let upholstered a sermon chair with blue cloth in 1653. Mr Andreas Krippendorf gave a white linen choir shirt in 1657. To the wedding of Mr Erhardt Krippendorf in 1660, the typographer Mr Caspar Freyschmidt from Jena gave a copy of the motet collection (a kind of hymn-book) Florilegium Portense (Anthology of Pforta (today Schulpforte near Naumburg)) by the German pastor, cantor and composer Erhard Bodenschatz to the Taubach church.
In 1662 Mr Barthel Ludwig gave four thalers and in the following year the unmarried grain butler Mr Hans Krippendorf venerated six thalers for the renovation of the church, which took place in 1664. The master Mr Anthonius Keyser from Kleinobringen let upholstered the freshly overcoated sermon chair with green fringed cloth in 1664, what him cost more than one Reichsthaler. In 1664 the wife of the Princely-Saxon land judge at Weimar, Mr Georgie Lederer, Mrs Eleonore Dorothea Lederer, presented the Taubach church with a cloth from Swabian canvas, in which were sewn her name and the year date, with clasp and lace on it for the baptismal stone. In addition she gave a green table. Mrs Susanna Rücker, the wife of the schoolmaster Mr Michael Rücker, made a pillow and venerated it to the Taubach church. This pillow was used during baptisms then.
On the 16th(Jul.)/26th(Gre.) January 1665 a new baptismal stone was consecrated at the baptism of a child of the family Gottschalk. Because of the death of the pastor Mr Nicolaus Eyser and the not yet newly occupied rectorate, the sermon and the weekly duties were detained by Mr Johann Ludwig Kronmeyer, pastor in Göttern, by consistorial order. Ms Magdalena Schenk honored three thalers to the Taubach church in the same year.
The multitude of donations to the Taubach church show that the Taubachien gathered religious services in their defiled church in the difficult times after the Thirty Years' War. That the Taubachian gathered the religious services in the church of Mellingen is unlikely, because this church was suffered even heavier destructions up to the loss of the roof in the Thirty Years' War and was slowly repaired as from 1667.
There was no money for the necessary renovation of the church. It was not until 1669 that the Taubach church was repaired so far that it did not fall apart.
On Sunday Invocabit 1670 (20th February(Jul.), Gregorian calendar: 2nd March, Sunday Reminiscere) Mr Herrmann Erhardt Krippendorf, he was a town piper in Jena, donated a precious watch with four glasses with white sand to the Taubach church, which was dedicated by the pastor Mr Ernst Nicolaus Kromayer during the noon sermon on the same day.